Lusy was born in Jakarta on Jan 4th, 1977. Married in 2001 then divorce in february 2008, with 2 kids, she is one of the hottest available mature women in Jakarta celebs.
she says:"
There are three things that are important in a marriage: communications, financial conditions and sex."
she FIRST APPEARED IN FHM INDONESIA, before picked for the FHM international edition.
Your album title is "Sexy". What are you trying to tell us?
I don’t want to bore you with my definition of sexy blah blah blah. I just believe that every woman is sexy and they should show it.
You said that this album has a pop disco flare. We heard Madonna and Kylie Minogue influence somewhere in there. Is that right?
Exactly. They inspired me a lot. I liked them already from way back. And lately, Pussycat Dolls is beautiful to watch and listen.
But those women had operations done to their bodies to achieve sexiness. What about you?
I agree with women who went under the knife as long as they felt comfortable doing it and it was their own decision and not for other people.
Breast enhancement?
Yes, like I said, everything can happen. But for now, I don’t need it yet. Maybe down the road in my older days. I just can’t tell you when.
When do women become sexy?
Depends on other people point of view, isn’t it? Specifically, when women have grown up in their thinking and can share their self confidence.
Is it just right about your age?
Maybe. What do you think?
We like what we see. What do you do to stay sexy like that?
Exercise. My family is an exercise freak. My dad is a water ski coach and my other siblings are water ski junkies or in some other water sports. And also, I have a lovely nutritionist at my disposal. Ha ha.
So, how do you see sexiness in a guy?
He has to look good in all aspects of his ‘guyness.’
So, what’s the difference between sexy and lust?
Very different. Sensuality and sexuality are two different things but they are good things. We as women should explore both our sensuality and sexuality and be confident. But don’t be cheap.
Biografi :
Lusy Rahmawati adalah bintang penyanyi yang pernah populer lewat grup musik AB Three. Lusy bersama Riafinola Ifani Sari (Nola AB Three) dan Widi Mulya mendukung grup musik vokal yg pernah populer tersebut, sebelum kemudian hengkang pada 2001, untuk bersolo karir.
Lusy kemudian menjadi istri dari sutradara film Jose Purnomo yang juga pemilik Jose Purnomo Film. Dari perkawinannya dikaruniai dua orang anak, Keitaro Jose Purnomo dan Kimiko Lucibelle Jose Purnomo.
Dalam perjalanan karirnya, Lusi pernah merilis album Cintailah Aku (1995), Kerinduanku (1997) dan Nyanyian Cintamu (1999). Ketiganya dirilis saat bersama AB Three. Disusul kemudian tiga album solonya, Lusi (2001), Dua Warna (2004) dan Sexy (2007).
Selain itu, perempuan kelahiran Jakarta, 4 Januari 1977 itu, juga pernah mendukung sinetron berjudul Gadis Penakluk.
Biduk pernikahan yang dibangun Lusy bersama Jose sejak 2001, akhirnya harus berakhir dengan perceraian. Lusy resmi menggugat suaminya lewat Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Selatan pada 2 Februari 2008.
28 Mei 2009, Lusy resmi bercerai dari Jose. Lusy mendapat hak asuh kedua anak mereka, namun Jose berhak mengunjungi kedua anaknya.
Setelah bercerai, Lusy bermaksud kembali ke dunia musik yang telah membesarkan namanya. Awal Juni 2009, ia bakal merilis single perdana dari album teranyar dengan judul, Belahan Jiwa.
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